Silence Spoken
Poems and Drawings
Poems Drawings

Feedback from readers of Silence Spoken

The poems I liked best are those set in Venezuela, describing aspects of the environment and the sea and those set in Beijing capturing the impact of rapid change for good and bad, especially Observed:Beijing.

It is what I felt when in China, but succinctly and eloquently expressed. I enjoyed the whole book, for what it expressed and also for what was left unsaid, or merely hinted at.

Mary, Canberra, Australia

Tucacas, Venezuela

Thank you very much for your awesome publication.. Sketches look lovely & will enjoy browsing too.
Khalida, Blue Mountains, Australia

There is another side of you, a contemplative one that I would not have guessed. I am no poet and so can not comment on the poetry but I like the sketches.

Anita, Canberra, Australia

I just browsed through it and your art work is powerful. I especially like the brush painting from Pakistan. But then your "essentials only" style on Langata, Nairobi, Kenya is so spot on. I've read some poems too, but you know me, the art is so immediate.

Sheila, Berkeley, California, USA

Karimabad, Pakistan

Thanks so much for your book of poetry and illustrations. It is really lovely. Keep creativity alive!

Margot, Berkeley, California, USA

I have looked through it and read several random poems and David has spent much more time with it. We both are enjoying looking at these snapshots of your life. Your drawings give life to your travels.

Linda, Baldwin, Kansas, USA

Man walking, Langata Kenya

I am enjoying reading your poems and I like your sketches very much. You have experienced so much in your life. Your words are an eloquent expression of your suffering, joy, awareness and appreciation of the natural world. The book is very attractively designed and printed. Congratulations on publishing it!

Anne, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

The poem Somewhere, snagged my eye. A knee jerk response to seeing my birthday near the bottom of the page. Reading it through I can only say, thanx for the birthday present.

The poem, Fishing at Sunset, I was tlmeported to Elk California doing that same such thing using carpenter's line with old spark plugs on the end for weight. Holding the line for the twitch of the rockfish that might be dinner or it dining on smaller fish if it slips the hook.

David, Baldwin, Kansas, USA