Horn Relief Organization























Conducted in the area around El-buh village of eastern Snag region







Period: 10 June to 12 July 2002










1-    Glossary of the words

2-  Executive Summary

3-  Research about livestock marketing.

4-  Research about mange disease.

5-   Research about problems brought by the environmental degradation the eastern Sanag region.

6-  Research about the effect of the Somali livestock export ban to rural community eastern Sanag region.

7-  Research about coping for the difficult time.

8-   Research about preparation for the droughts.
























Glossary of Words:



1-    Beeyo: type of the frankincense disease

2-  Maydi:     “      “           “                “

3-  Fooh:      “       “            “                “

4-  Falah falah:  “              “                  “

5-  Iid =         Islamic holidays

6-  Gogobe =    wild tree

7-  Dacar   =    ilo tree

8-  Cai booye =  wild tree

9-  Heeli =   wild tree which produce  edible fruits

10- Mudhcanyo   “ “            “ “          “ “

     11- Rooxo =        “ “      “”        “ “            “ “

     12- Daray =        “ “       “ “        “ “            “ “

10-                      Berde  =       “ “       “ “         “ “            “ “

11-                       Gob  =          “”         “ “         “ “            “ “

12-                      Dhafaruur     “       “ “          “ “            “ “

13-                      Qobco =      fruit of some trees

14-                      Dhimbil  =    “ “    “ “

15-                      Masada =   mall wild animal clamp up the tree and             start   hibernation during the drought

16-                      Dirir =        Star












Executive Summary


Here is the outcome of the camel caravan research conducted in the area around El-buh village of eastern Sanag region- Somalia.  The camel caravan research is an annual research made by horn relief organization to the eastern Sanag region in order to get information for certain issues having great importance for the development of the rural community.


The research is under the pastoral youth leadership (PYL) program implementing by Horn Relief Organization in order to improve the Knowledge of the rural community specially the leadership and the good governance of the rural youth.


During the research  the participants were walking  using male camel to transport their requirement like food, water, tents, human and animal drugs  and other requirements. The participants  were meeting and interviewing the rural people to their homes, under tree and were ever possible.


The participants of the research were students selected from the schools of Dhahar, Hingalool and El-buh of pastoral youth leadership network.  The duration of the research was 20 days between 10 June and 12 July 2002.


After the collection of data, analyzes were made to the information. The outcome of the research analyze and other related information about the methodology used for data collection, planning, data collection, lessons learned, suggestions and the suggested future analyze are presented here.


The topics of the research was:

v    Livestock marketing

v    Environmental degradation and related problems

v    The effect of Somali livestock export ban to the rural population of eastern Sanag

v    The Mange disease

v    Drought Preparness

v    Coping machanisam.




































 Introduction about Somalia


Somalia lies horn of Africa and its population are 100% Muslim. It is a member of international organizations, such as  Arab league , Organization of African Unity  (OAU) and   organization of  Islamic conference(OIC). The eastern side of the country is surrounded by the Indian Ocean and its north is filled by the red sea. The western and southern side of the country has borders with Djibouti Ethiopia and Kenya. Somalia has the largest sea shore for all African countries and its population are estimated 10 Million.70% of these people are pastor lists  who rear livestock of different kinds such as camel, Cattle, Sheep and Goats, Donkeys and Horses.


 Somalia mostly is semi arid but the two rivers of Juba and Shabelle run the southern part of the country. Plains around the rivers are good for farming and grown for different types of crops such as Maize, Sorghum, Beans, Sesame, Banana, Papaya and many others.


The Somali country was colonel zed by the British (Northern part) and the Italian (Southern part). Both parties got their independent on 1960 and unite and form republic of Somalia. On 1969, the military leading by Gen. Mohamed Siyad Barre engulfed the leadership of the government. They were ruling the country till 1990.


At the end of 1970’s and 1980’s the is emerged by fractions based on clans who finally cause the collapse of Somali central government on January 1991. Immediately after the collapse, civil war leading by warlords started. The warlords failed to restore the peace and stability in the country and form central government. Some of the regions of the country form regional governments (states).


Introduction about eastern Sanag Region


Eastern Sanag is located 10km west of bosaso tarmac road, Bari region of punt land state of Somalia. It was part of the country that was colonized  by the British. The region’s land composed of seashores, mountains along red sea coast   and plains called Sool and Haded. 70% of the regions population are pastor lists rearing livestock including sheep, goats, Camel, Cattle Donkeys and Horses, first is important and so on.

The rest of the population of the region is fishers, Business and some who are laborer of different activities. The regions natural resources include frankincense of different kinds such as Beyo, Maydi, Fooh and Falah falah.


The region has long history of civilization and was having great history of business to Arab countries, India and others. The people also have a well-respected cultural leadership.


After the collapse of the Somali central government, the region did not get any assistance from international organizations, there is no agencies representing them who operating  the area.


 Horn relief is only NGO who is working in the region. HR activities mainly involves on areas about   environmental conservation, education and water. So far activities done by the NGO include:

Ø     Re-starting (make functioning) of the Buran Rural Institute (BRI).

Ø     Construction of water rock dams.

Ø     And water installation in Buran and El-buh villages,


The beneficiaries of these projects are the most vulnerable and needy people who are mainly women and children.







Horn Relief Organization

Pastoral youth leadership

Camel caravan research report


Sub: research about livestock marketing



We are hereby forwarding the research report, which was conducted the area between Hingalol and El-buh villages of eastern Snag region of Somalia which mostly pastoral households are concentrated. Participants of the caravan research were from El-buh, Dhahar and Hingalol schools, which are part of pastoral youth leadership (PYL) network. The researchers used camel to carry on their material requirements such as  food, water, equipment and livestock and human drugs.





The methodology of the data collection was personal interview, focus group discussion and observation.


Concerned people


The Interviewed and concerned people was the rural community around El-buh village of eastern Sanag region which was 60 persons in number composing of:


a)   Aged men of the age between 55-79 years.

b)   Aged women of the age between 40-70 years.

c)    Middle aged men of the age between 30-45 years.

d)   Middle aged women of the age between 25-45 years of age.





Before we start the research we have planed the following:


1-  The people we will interview – male and female and their number

2-  The time and the place interview

3-  The questions we will ask for.



Data collection


After the plan we have started the data collection about livestock marking for the rural communities in eastern Sanag region of Somalia.

The people give us many answers about livestock marketing.

They mostly told us that the lack of market of the livestock highly affected the rural community who met problems about malnutrition.


Data analyses


When we analyze the answers of the people about livestock marketing we found that the lack of marketing cause the people to sell or slaughter the female livestock specially the pregnant camel, sheep and goat.

46 persons of the 60 persons interviewed composing of men of the age between 35- 64 years and women of the age between 20- 39 years.

Agreed the answer of the first question which was( do you have plan for livestock marketing).  Saying that they have plan. They said that they plan their livestock for those suitable to be marketed and those not, to look for market for those suitable like mature male.

The analyze of the second question show that the rural community have marketing skills to sell their livestock to the highest price. For example, they send their livestock to market when the market price increase. One other example is that their protect the female to get pregnant by keeping away the males in order the female to became fat, that can be sold to higher price. 54 of persons of the people interviewed Composing of men of the age between 23-62 years and women of the age between 19-75 years, agreed this answers.


When we analyze the third question we found that the higher price of the livestock are found at the two eides and hot period. The reason is that the livestock demand from Oman, and UAE and the big and of Somalia increases the two Eids. during the hot dry periods most of rural people are in move looking for pasture and they did not get time to market their livestock. The answer of third question is agreed by 50 persons of the  people interview of 60 persons composing of the women of the age between 25-47 years and men of the age between 26-51 years of age.




After we analyze almost the similar answers from the people and our observation we understand lot about the livestock marketing and how the rural community  plan their livestock for marketing. Their response mostly was that they have plan for their marketing. This plan is that they separate their livestock for those suitable to be marketed and those not.







We met the following constraints:


1-  Tick which we did not see before bite us

2-  Water shortage

3-  Long trip

4-  Some people did not response because they don’t have time for us and did not understand the meaning of the research.



Lessons learned


The lessons learned from the research were:


a)   How animal are slaughtered.

b)   How to load the camels

c)    We learn area that we don’t see before.

d)   We learn people that we don’t know before.





We are suggesting looking for market for the livestock of the rural community, in order the rural people to satisfy their needs. 



Future research


We are suggesting making to future analyzing for the livestock marketing in order  to get extra information and  new markets and to struggle how the pan can be taken from export of the Somali livestock.


Short note


Short note from the researchers.

The research completed smoothly. It is also required to continue such kind of research to found the real information of the rural community.



The researchers were the following.


1-  Hawa Ahmed Moh’ed  - assistant

2-  Ikraan moh’ed Jibrell -  ‘’

3-  Ahmed Muse Ahmed   - ‘’ ‘’

4-  A/ nasir A/lahi Jama -  ‘’ ‘’





















Horn Relief Organization

Promotion of youth leadership

Camel caravan research report


Sub: research about mange disease



Here is the camel caravan research report conducted by the intermediate schools of dhahar district, Hingalool and El –buh villages of eastern Sanag region. The activity was research and data collection made in the area around El-Buh village by interviewing the rural community in these area.


Concerned people


The concerned people of the interview was the rural community in the area around El- buh  village of eastern  Sanag region. The people interviewed were 80 persons composing  of 30 aged men of the age between 50-80 years, and 24 aged women of the age between 45-60 years 20 middle aged men of the age between 20-35 years and 14 middle aged women of the age between 20-35 years.





The methodology of the data collection was personal interview, focus group discussion and observation.







We have planed our research activities such the people we will interview, male and female, their number, their age, the time and place of the interview and questions we will ask the people.



Data collection


We have collected the data asking the people the following questions:


1-  how do you manage when you see that your animals  have mange disease?

2-  Is there a cultural drug to treat the disease?

3-  How these drugs help to treat the disease?


50 persons of the interviewed people of 80 persons answer the followings:


1-  when we see that our livestock have mange disease we isolate  them from the healthy ones.

2-  They also said that there is cultural drugs that can be  treated for the mange disease including by Gogobo tree, ilo tree( dacar) and the sheep  and goat dung.

3-  They also said that when the Gogobe are fermented it can treat  about 80%, the ilo (dacar) can treat 50% and the burned  sheep and goat dung  can treat 10%.







Data analyses



When we analyze the data we found the following:


1-  That the mange disease is common in eastern sanag region and outbreak of the disease is the drought and dry periods. The people interviewed, 35 persons of them agreed that the mange disease affects sheep, goat and camel. 40% of the interviewed people agreed the mange disease could pass and affect the human being.  55% of the people interviewed also agreed that the disease can pass and affect to most of the animals if contact or touch an affected animal because the disease epidemic.

2-  We also found that when we analyze the data from the rural community the Gogabe tree is very important tree for the treatment of mange disease. We asked the 88 persons interviewed how to use the tree when treating the disease and their response was. 50 of them agreed that the tree is fermented and soup of the meat is added.

3-  20% of the interviewed people also agreed that the secretion of the ilo (dacar) tree can be treated to the mange disease.

4-  We also found that the mange disease can be treated when sheep and goat during are burned.

5-  They also told us that the Ali Boye tree can be also treated to the mange disease.

6-  For the last days, the people use dipping to treat the mange disease forgetting the cultural medicines.




The data analyze of the research show that the mange disease is common to eastern Sanag region and it is outbreak is the drought period. The disease affects the sheep, goat and camel. The most susceptible animal is the small malnourished sheep  and goat and every the thin goats.

All the rural community knows well the disease.

The disease reduces the milk and meat production of the livestock. It also wastes the skin. The disease passes and affects the human being. It is also chronic to the livestock and if not treated the animal can die for.




We met the following constraints:

1-  The area of the research was very large

2-  Some of the people refuse to response because they don’t know the meaning of the research and think it is nothing.

3-  It was summertime and there was strong Manson wind from southwest with lot of soil.

4-  The area surveyed there was thick larvae bite us causing itching.



The data analyze of the research show that the mange disease is common to the eastern Sanag region and its outbreak is the drought period. The disease affects the shouts and the camel. The most susceptible animal for the disease is the small malnourished shouts and very thin goats. All the rural community knows well the disease. The disease reduces the milk and meat production of the livestock and it also wastes the skin. The disease passes and affects the Human being. It is also chronic to the livestock and if it is not treated the animal can die for.












                               Interviewed people



When we asked our self the reason why men have more knowledge of the disease than women it become that men travel more than women. 

Therefore women can learn only from their livestock and it may be possible that the disease may not affect their livestock so often. But the men while they traveling so often they met other livestock affected by the disease and learn from it.



Lesson learned


We learn lot from the following:


1-     How data can be collected from the rural community.

2-   The living thing that the mange disease affects and how can be treated.

3-   Many people that we don’t know before.

4-   Area, which we don’t know before.

5-   Walking very long distance using camel as a transport.






We are suggesting that the rural community to be given an awareness rising programmers and training about animal health in order to improve their animal health knowledge.


Future Analyze


We are suggesting future analyze to be made to the Gogabe tree and the area it grows most and how it can also help the health of the human being because some respondents also told us that it could be treated to the gastric disease of the human being.



The participants of the research was:


1-    Aadan Mahamed Ali

2-  Omar Ali Asker

3-  Mohamed Abdi Huran

4-  Mohamed  saciid Yare

Horn Relief Organization

Pastoral youth leadership

Camel caravan research report



Sub: research about the problems by the environment degradation to eastern Sanag region.




The participants of these camel caravan research report who were from the intermediate schools of Dhahar, Hinaglol, and El-buh which are the network of pastoral youth leadership (PYL) made the research between 22 June to 12 July 2002.  The participants conduct the research in the area between  El- buh and Hingalol villages of eastern Sanag region using camel to transport their material requirements. The information collected by the participants is presented here.




The methodology used to collect the data was personal interview, focus group discussion and observation.





Concerned people


The target people of the research were the rural community of eastern sanag region.




Before we start the research we plan our activities of the number of people to be interviewed, time and place of the interview and our material requirements (stationary).



Data collection 


When we prepare our requirements we started the data collection.  The questions we were asking the people was similar meeting the people in their residents, in their livestock and any other possible places. We were four persons each having his own duties.


1-    Interviewer

2-  Writer of the responses

3-  One assistant and

4-  One person for the observation




The question asked for was:


1-    What are the causes of the environmental degradation?

2-  How the environmental degradation can be prevented?

3-  Is there ways that the rural people protect the environment?


The total number of people interviewed was 60 people. 20 aged men of above 60 years, 16 women aged women, 14 middle-aged men and 10 middle aged women.



Data analyze


46 persons (17 aged men, 14  aged women, 6 middle aged women and middle aged men) of the people interviewed of 60 persons that are 76% of the interview respond almost similar answer of the same meaning.


When we compare and analyze the responses of the people of about the cause of the environmental degradation the result was:


o       Cutting and burning the tress and grasses.

o       The increase of the livestock number refusing the land to get opportunity to produce new trees or reproduces.

o       The repeating long drought periods.

o       The business camps made in the rangelands also cause the environmental degradation.

o       The uncountable of roads that turn in to gullies that water follow for.

o       Strong wind collecting the soil from the area after the trees and the grass are cut.


The answer of the second question, which was: how the environmental degradation can be prevented is as follows:


80% of the people interviewed said :


Ø     Awareness rising about the danger of the environmental degradation to be given to the community.

Ø     To stop the cutting and burning of the trees and grasses.

Ø     Isolating the land for years.

Ø     The livestock to be grassed in different places in order the land to get chance to rest.

Ø     Establishment of an army that protect the Environment.

Ø     Construction of checks dams in the vallies and gullies in order water to be turned to plain lands.



The people told us that these are no way protected o the environmental degradation. Only few people told us that they broadcast the animal wastes and they also construct small check dams. Others said the trees we want to use (cut) we cut some parts and left some parts in order the tree to continue its growth.



We have seen in our observation that the environmental degradation reached to very high limit and still going on quickly.   This brought a wide area received huge amount  of water not to produce any thing  at all and the whole land is near to be infertile.






We will conclude our research that the rural community highly recognized that the land is near to turn in to desert and it is important to prevent it to the highest level that can be prevented.  








§        There was very strong wind and we got tired to our trip.

§        The people who did not understand the meaning of the research who lost us time to make them understand our purpose. Some of them said give us some of the money you will earn from the research.

§        Tick larvae bite us causing itching.

§        We were not having experience for the research and it take time to understand it.





We were suggesting the population of the region to carry out steps that can be prevented the danger of the environmental degradation.



Lessons learned 


The lessons learned from the research:


ό     Researching skills

ό     Writing and collection of the data

ό     Culture and living condition of the rural community

ό     Walking distance and many people learned.



Future research


In order to be aware of the situation of the environment it important that Horn Relief to continue such kind of research about the environment.



Names of the researchers were:


1-    Mohamed mahamud Ise

2-  Mohamuod Abdi Nuur

3-  Moahamoud Sa’id Salad

4-  Barkhad Ahmed Jama





























Horn Relief Organization

Pastoral youth leadership

Camel Caravan Research Report




Sub: research about the effect of livestock export ban to the        population of eastern Sanag region


We are hereby presenting research about the effect of Somali livestock export ban to the rural communities of eastern Sanag region. The research is made by some of the students of El-buh, Dhahar and Hingalol schools.


The research were conducted in east and south areas of El-buh  village.




The methodology of data collection was focus group discussion personal interview and observation.


Concerned people


The concerned people of the research were the rural communities composing of both male and female (aged men, aged women, middle aged men and middle aged women) of the age between 15-85 years of age.








Before we start the research we have made our plan about the people we want to interview and their age, time and place of the interview, we also plan the special question of the research that we will ask the people and were as follows:


1-    what are the problems brought by ban of the livestock export? How the live changed when the ban and continues drought both happened to the community?

2-  Up to what  level the take off of the by the united arab emaratis  and oman, helped the community?

3-  What type of livestock you were selling for the last days?

4-  After the closure of the livestock market did you seek   other markets?



When we asked the people for the se questions we got much information  and we start to analyze it.


Data Analyze


After the analyzing the responses of the people we found that the ban of the livestock cause many problems to the communities. These problems include the restriction of the having requirements and the price of the basic requirements increase and reduce of the general and special economy.

Some of the people did not get the basic requirements of the live like food, water and human and livestock drugs, were others cant buy their other requirements like cloths, shoes etc. the people told us that the situation is made worse by continues droughts in which together with livestock ban cause some people to die for malnutrition. The drought also causes the reduction of the livestock products like meat, milk butter. This is agreed by 55 persons of the 65 persons interviewed composing men and women of the age between 15-85 years of age. Most of the people agreed that the last days they were selling the female livestock be kept for milk production and reproductions and the male camel trained for transport. They also told us that they sold the pregnant camel, sleep and goat and male camel for transport. As very body aware of the Somalis did not sold their transport till it is serious. 42 persons of the people interviewed that were 65 in number agree this. They told us that mast of the people did not seek other sources of income other than livestock because their only knowledge is livestock keeping. There are  many people in which when they lost all their livestock migrated to the villages and towns.

10 of the people interviewed composing of middle aged men and middle aged women of the age between 20-30 years told us that they got income from burning and cutting of the trees(charcoal) and grasses forced by hunger and malnutrition.

3 persons of the people interviewed told us that they get help from their relatives in the abroad countries and because of that they did not sold many animals and they were getting all their requirements.


38 persons interviewed said that the takeover of the emirates and Oman did not help the price and the livestock market, because the biggest market of the Somali livestock was Saudi Arabia. The small amount benefited from the ban takeover is covered by the long drought.

While we were in the trip we were making observation and we saw that most of the people are malnourished and are poor in clothing specially the aged people, lactating women and the pregnant women. The camel was also the most worse of the whole livestock and were very thin, the reason was the lack of the spring rain and continues long droughts.






The research shows that long droughts and the ban of the Somali livestock greatly affected the rural community and the urbanized people causing many people to be malnourished. This caused the people not to afford to buy their basic living requirements such us food, water and human and animal drugs. We also found that the land has detoriated and the livestock number reduced and the people were showing malnourished specially the pregnant women, lactating women and aged people.





The constraints we met include some of the people refused to respond saying that you will get lot of money on us, and others did not understand the meaning of the research. Sometimes we also did not get people to interview because we were coming on empty houses.

Other constraints were a tick larvae bite us causing itching and impossible to sleep. There was also strong winds causing to walk for long time..





We are suggesting to request the world to takeover the ban from the Somali livestock.

We are also suggesting the Somalis to look for market for their livestock other than the Arab countries.

We are also suggesting the Somalis to improve the husbandry of their livestock




Lessons learned


1-    How the rural communities share information.

2-  How to load the camels

3-  Working long distance

4-  How to look food



Future analyze


We are suggesting future research to be made the easiest way that the people can get other sources of income.


The research  is made by:

1.      Hamud Bashir Abdulahi – Head the research

2.    hayat Ali Mohamed

3.    Samiro Jma isse

4.    Muhamed Ali Abdi   

















Horn Relief Organization

 pastoral youth leadership

Camel caravan research report



Sub: research about coping with difficult time




We are hereby presenting research made by some the participants of pastoral of youth leadership conducted in the area around El-buh village of eastern Sanag. The research were conducted while the researchers were walking using camel to transport their required materials, water, food a drugs etc. The researchers share the people and collect information about the coping with the difficult time.




The methodology of the data collection was personal interview focus groups discussion and observation.


Concerned people   


The people interviewed and concerned by the research was rural community of the above stated area community composing of aged men, aged women, middle aged women and middle aged men of the age between 18-80 years.







Before we start the research we have planned the following:


1-    Special questions based on the research

2-  The people to be interviewed men & women and their ages.

3-  The time and place of the interview

4-  And the methodology  of the interview




Data Collection


After the plan we have started the data collection conducted in the form of personal interview and group discussion  to get more information we were asking the people  the special question based on the research which were:


1-    What kind of kind of things you store to live it during the droughts?

2-  What are the advantages of charcoal burning?

3-  Did you plan your family income?


When we analyze the data collected  we found the followings:


1-    What kind of things you store to live it during the droughts?



Most of the people got difficulty for this question and respond that they didn’t store any thing because previously there was high butter production because the livestock was better than now and the land was better than now.

The land were having many wild fruits, Eating by the people like Heli, Bircayo, Rooxo, Daray, Barde, Gob, Dhafarur etc. Also there other trees to be stored for the livestock like Qobco and Dhimbil. Now all these things are few or not found at all, others is found but not used  and stored. These answer is agreed by 50 persons of the 70 persons interviewed.



2-  The second question, which was: what are the advantages and disadvantages of the charcoal burning?

All the people agree that the charcoal burning have not advantages at all and it is disadvantage include:-

1.      It burns the livestock.

2.    Many thorns piercing the human and the livestock

3.    Dying of many living things in the trees.

4.    Burning of the productive soil

5.    Environmental degradation



3-  The third question that was: did you make plan for your family income?


They mostly said yes, we plan it. The elders of the family who is present – the father or the mother, plan it.

There are many plans like movement of family is planned by the father, resettling place is planed by the men specially the father selling of the female livestock is planned by the mother, other family requirements like buying the food, match, oil, soap etc is planned by the mother.

The way expended the money is 20% water, 40% food, 10% small expenses, 10% clothing, 10% medicines.







The research  show that most of the people did not store any thing for droughts, but they sold their livestock that can be marketed at any time or they slaughter the one having good meat.  It is also found that some of the things that they were storing before like butter, some wild fruits  and some people drying the milk  are not found at the moment because of the droughts and the environmental degradation.



It is also found that the people deeply felt the problems of charcoal burning. The research also shows that the rural community plans their income and the father and the mother make the plan. The mother participate the plan of selling female livestock, milk and butter.  Division of the meat and food and its usage. The father plan the selling of male livestock and the camel and mostly keep the money. When the father is absent the mother fills the gap of the father and her position.

Most of the people agreed that they use their income as follows:


1-    food and water 70%

2-  clothing 10%

3-  medecine 10%

4-  other expenses 10%


this is the average of the peoples response.









We are suggesting to give rural communities awareness raising programmers, seminars and trainings in order to improve their living conditions, their storage and their education.



Lessons learned


We learn lot about the coping mechanism of the difficult satiations, culture of the rural community, walking distance which was new to us, how information can be collected  from the rural community and how they themselves  share the information.


Future research


We are suggesting Horn relief to make future research for the storage of the rural community and the problems of the charcoal burning.


Short note


We have seen our observation that most of the people are showing malnourished and are poor in clothing, caused by the drought and the environmental degradation.


The researchers were the following:-


1-    Axmed Moh’mud Saciad   head of the research

2-  Saynab Saciad Nuur           Assistant

3-  Saynab Ali Hasan                   “

4-  Mohamed Moh’mud Farah      “





Horn Relief Organization

Pastoral Youth Leadership

Camel Caravan research Report



Sub: research about how to prepare for the droughts.


The research is conducted in the area around El-Buh village of eastern Sanag living by rural communities. Participants make the research were from Dhahar, Hingalol and Elbuh schools of the net work of pastoral youth leadership (PYL). The participants use camel to transport their requirements like food, water, materials and human and animal drugs.




The methodology of the data collection was personal interview, focus group discussion and observation.


Concerned people:


The people interviewed and concerned by the research was the rural community in the area around El-buh village in which their number was 60 persons composing of:


a)    Aged men of the age between 55 to 80 years

b)   Aged women of the age between 40 to 60 years

c)    Middle men of age between 30 to 55 years

d)   And middle aged women of the age between 25-50 years





Before we start the research we planed the followings:


1-    The people we will interview male and female, their age and their number.

2-  The date and place of the interview.

3-  And the questions to be asked for, which were:


A)  Is there any ways that you prepare for the droughts?

B)   What do you think is the reason of the long continues droughts?

C)   Are there any signs that you can understand that drought is coming?



Data collection


After that we started to collect the people from the data about how to prepare for the droughts. They give us many answers about  the topic. And they mostly agreed that they did not prepare for the droughts.


Data collection


When we analyzed the information collected we found the following:

30 of people of the 60 persons interviewed respond that when we are in the rainy season and we are afraid of droughts we sold the male livestock and buy food for.

50 of persons of the 60 people interviewed agreed that the reasons of prolonged droughts are cutting and burning charcoal from the trees, cutting grasses and the increase of the people’s sins.


The third question which were: is there a signs that you can understand that drought is coming?  They said  that they understand it to the following: weakness of the livestock, strong winds, water reduce of the wells and some stopped, the maso clump up the trees, when the star called Dirir are seen in front of the moon it is understand that drought is coming. Reduction of the rains or not found at the expected time.




After analyzing the data of the research, we understand a lot about the preparedness for droughts by the rural community.




The constraints we met include some of the people refused to respond and others who did not understand the research were refusing before we ask them question, but we make them understand the research they respond. Thick larvae also bite us.


Lessons learned:


We learn lot the hard living condition of the rural community. We also learn how to load the camels, how to slaughter sheep and goats, how to build up the tents, how data are collected from the rural people and how they share the information.




We are suggesting Horn Relief organization to publish information about the preparation for the droughts to the rural community in order they to prepare for the coming drugs. The rural community should be given an awareness rising about how to prepare for the droughts like storage of food and water, isolating land to be grazed by the livestock during the droughts.


Future analyzes:


We are suggesting future research to be made for the preparation for the droughts in order extra information to be found.


Short Note:


We are here thanking to the teachers and the students from Dhahar, Hingalol and El-buh villages for the best way they participate the research. This research was the second conducted in eastern Sanag and we have succeeded every without preparation.


The research is made by:


1-     Sahra Sa’id Nur Jibrul

2-    Faadumo Moh’ed Du’ale.