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Horn of Africa Relief and Development Organization (Horn Relief)
Who We Are
Horn Relief works with rural, predominantly pastoralist communities on education, natural resource management, health, and community leadership for peace and reconciliation.
What we have done
Solar Cookers
Use of the cooker can help reduce the use of scarce fuel wood or charcoal.
Rock Dam Approach to Natural Resource Management.
Horn Relief uses the rock dam approach in all of its work. A rock dam uses rocks (local resources) that are piled up together (organization and unity), to stop soil erosion and formation of gullies.
By slowing down the flow of water during the rainy season the rock dam creates conditions that allow plants, shrubs, even small trees to germinate, without anyone planting them. Their growth is sustainable and not dependent on outside care. Horn Relief builds physical rock dams throughout Somalia working with the Resource Management Somali Network, which Horn Relief has chaired for the past three years. Women and youth in communities throughout Somalia have taken responsibility for building and maintaining rock dams to reclaim grazing land.
Rock Dam Approach to Learning
Horn Relief brings together local resources of the community, people, women and men, youth, pastoralists, elders with trained facilitators and resource people in their own communities (currently working in six villages in northeast Somalia) for sharing information and learning about common problems.
Horn Relief has a network of youth interns who work with local communities using participatory action research on the core issues of education, human health, animal health, natural resource management and community leadership for peace and reconciliation.
Camel Caravan for Peace
In May 2001, Horn Relief organized a Camel Caravan in which young people spent three weeks in the bush researching about the pastoral way of life. The 16 young participants gathered and sharedinformation with pastoralist families about human health, animal health, natural resources and community leadership for peace. Horn Relief is planning to make this an annual event.
Legal Status
Horn of Africa Relief and Development Organization is an Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered in Somalia, Kenya, & USA.
For more information
Contact : Fatima Jibrell, Horn of Africa Relief and Development Organization
PO Box 70331, Nairobi, Kenya tel/fax 254-2-576646
How YOU can help build peace in Somalia
Click on this link for information about how you can help Horn Relief and other groups build peace in Puntland and throughout Somalia.