Daryeel Women Organization (DAWO), Bosaso, Somalia
Learn more about DAWO's work
After the collapse of Somali Central Government and during the time of civil war, women and children were subject to a lot of pressure. Women and children in Somalia is the least considered group of society and faced a lot of intricacies through all these time. Many of them suffered in health and mind due to the war caused troubles. Many others suffered due to humiliations and harassments. The children and youths of Somalia couldnšt able to fetch the education required though it is one of the most significant factors of development. Women and children suffered due to lack of medical facilities and health care.
To support and encourage development in the areas of education, health and human rights, Daryeel Women Organization (DAWO) came into existence. DAWO aimed at backing the weaker section of the society. We are give the impression of being hooked on improve the educational programs that we established Youth Resource Center that is available videocassette and radio tape, TV, DVD set and different books those material helping our target group women and youth for awareness including health care, seek advice from HIV AIDS. Breast-feeding, water and environmental sanitation and reading for books as an alternative they sitting the tea places to benefit the resource for Somali traditional and the human race conception and also they can get information on the human rights.
In local Somali language, DAWO means remedy and it plays the role of curing the weaker section of the community from their affected injuries. DAWO established in the year of 1998 as a non-governmental and non-profit organization in Bosaso. Bosaso is a costal town in the Barri region of Puntland state. Till the establishment of DAWO, the organization is struggling its way to build a secured society through better education, health care and public awareness. DAWO was formed by a group of professional women and today it is blessed with 38 members. The members of DAWO include men and women from different skill sets. The members include medical professionals, teachers, Librarians, farmers, and other professionals. DAWO works under the effective management of Board of Directors. There are 7 directors in the board and the BOD meets once a year. In the annual meeting, the board selects a chairperson and executive members for the coming year. The board also plans the next yearšs activities and DAWO annual plan start the March every year.
Vision of DAWO
DAWO foresees a society with peace and harmony. The activities of DAWO will be oriented towards this condition somewhere women and children get equal main concern as the Health and Education improvement than further group of the general public and make a nation that is model meant receive it easy.
Mission of DAWO
The mission statement of DAWO is to help women and children of the society to live in peace and sustain their livelihood. DAWO also give emphasis on the development of nation by backing the primary needs of the country like Health improvement and education environmental protection, through capacity building, programming & proper limited resources management and utilization.
Primary objectives of DAWO
1. Advocate women rights for health services, education, , Environmental protection, employment and decision-making.
2. Strengthen the capacity of women groups to participate the advancement of women status.
3. Establish educational centers and attract more women candidates to develop their health and education skills and information technologies.
4. Create awareness about the modern teaching methods and improved courses among the teachers and management of existing educational institutions.
5. Building health care centers with improved facilities especially for women and children.
6. Participate in promotion of peace and development of the nation as a whole
7 information Participate awareness for abolition of HIV AIDS spreading for the society specially youth and Women mobilization all the way through our resource center enlistment and training to be aware of illiterates community.
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